Shaping Young Minds with Career Exploration-Final Part

Shaping Young Minds with Career Exploration-Final Part

In the last article, we explained possible career paths and opened the minds of students that it’s ok if college isn’t for them. In the final part of this series, we’d like to discuss the end goals of what our initiative is aiming for. As the school year progresses, we will be visiting the classrooms of juniors and seniors, speaking to them about life after school.

This time, Walton and Company will take to the classrooms with goals in mind. Walton is looking for qualified juniors and seniors to join the Walton workforce. A select couple of qualified Walton employees will have an opportunity to enter ABC’s, or York County School of Technology’s apprenticeship program. Companywide, we have limited apprentices per department based on the number of supervisors in HVAC, Plumbing, and Sheet Metal. We are unable to have more than 5 in each category, so spots fill quickly. There will be options for a few selected to join this program and receive journeymen’s papers after the successful completion of the 4-year course.

Class time will consist of lectures, hands-on tutorials, and personal conversations with students. We’ll discuss diversified occupation opportunities and much more. The goal is to guide those students to a successful career path post-graduation. We believe that this early intervention will steer students to a positive outlook on life after high school. This is an opportunity to fulfill both the needs of Walton & Company and a guided career path for students that may be wondering what to do after high school.

For more information on how you can become part of the team, please call or email Cindy Eshleman at 717-755-9030 or


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